Archive | June, 2009

View, Browse, and Edit JSON Objects Visually

20. June 2009

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Here are some helper applications that let you view, browse and edit JSON objects. When I am first working with a web service that returns JSON, I like a quick overview of what it includes. Having a navigable treeview helps find the properties that you need and get them quickly integrated into your code. Here […]

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Intranet SSL Certificates

19. June 2009

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What is an Intranet SSL Certificate It is a certificate that is issued by a trusted site that can be used in your internal network. It is cheaper than a standard ssl certifcate because less validation is involved. Where can I get one? I don’t think they are as popular as they used to be. […]

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GUID Primary Keys in SQL

18. June 2009

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Creating a GUID in Microsoft SQL Server: select newid(); Creating a GUID in MYSQL: select uuid(); Why use a GUID as a primary key? The main reason is if you want to guarantee uniqueness between databases and servers. I have never been a fan of GUIDs. Especially when having to write sql statements for reports. […]

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Notifying Google of a Domain Name Change

17. June 2009

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Can I Notify Google that my Domain Name has Changed? Yes you can. In the past, Google simply recommended that you redirect you domain using 301 Redirects. Now they offer a service on their Webmaster Tools to notify them that you are changing your domain name. Here is overview of the steps: Your current domain […]

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Redirecting Your Domain Using 301 Redirects

16. June 2009


What are 301 redirects? It is the status code that has been sent back to your browser from the web server. In other words, the “301 status”, is telling your browser that the link you typed in or clicked on has moved permanently to the new address that you have just been forwarded to. When […]

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