Archive | July, 2009

Using Tabs in a WordPress Post

2. July 2009


Here is an example of using tab characters in a blog post. To get this: Column1 Column2 A Apple B Banana C Coconut You can copy and paste this: <pre> Column1 &#09; Column2 A &#09; Apple B &#09; Banana C &#09; Coconut </pre> The trick to this is using the ‘<pre>’ tag and the html entity code for tab: […]

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Escaping Characters in JavaScript

1. July 2009

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Some characters can not be represented in a string in JavaScript, other characters might have a specific meaning in JavaScript. Here is a list of common escape sequences: \' Single Quote \n Newline \" Double Quote \t Tab \\ Backslash \b Backspace \f Form feed \r Carriage return To use, simply insert them into your […]

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